An impressive number of race events are spread out across three separate campaigns that tackle different eras of Ferrari history and do a masterful job of showcasing the evolution in car designs over the years. As crazy as some of the tougher courses can get, they're less visually dynamic than the off-road terrain and urban vistas of similar genre entries. Ferrari Racing Legends pushes authenticity and simplicity over style both in its presentation and gameplay. You won't find much of the flashiness of other modern racers here either. While this variety helps switch things up, other areas of gameplay sometimes feel a little too by-the-book.

In addition to standard races, you'll face off against rivals, work to stay behind a partner racer within a three second window, shoot to beat specific lap times, and work to overtake all other cars on the track. It feels like a few steps backwards for the genre, but widely ranging objectives save the day. The campaign ditches the open world flow of Test Drive Unlimited in favor of more traditional closed-circuit tracks and a minimalist story that plays out almost entirely through informative but unexciting menu text. In contrast, engaging pro mode doesn't quite crank all of the realism dials to 11 like in some other racing sims, yet it does make it tricky enough to put veteran gear-heads through their paces. The novice setup offers maximum handholding to keep casual players from careening off the track. Though each of the 50+ unlockable rides drive differently, three adjustable driving model presets let you tweak the overall physics and realism level to suit your skill. Considering these are the same folks behind the sim-y Need for Speed: Shift games, it's no surprise these mean racing machines are generally responsive and handle well at high speed. Ferrari Racing Legends straddles the line between hardcore simulation and arcade-style racing in a way that's accessible to newcomers without stripping out all the challenge.